A Promise to Carolyn (1996 TV Movie)
Disturbing content, but well done
8 July 2004
This movie tells the story of two adult sisters who seek justice for the murder of their baby sister by their truly wicked stepmother over 30 years earlier.

I found this to be very well acted. While Swoosie Kurtz and Delta Burke are totally different, they both did a great job of being what their characters had become as a result of the trauma of their early lives...Swoozie's character was hard, just a little trashy and a bit off the wall, Delta's was quiet, meek, eager to please--both perfectly plausible ways for children of abuse to end up. The guy playing the prosecutor was fantastic. But one of the best performances was that of the "young" stepmother. Watching the scenes where she brutalized the little girls, and the one where Carolyn was killed, was heart-stopping.

You have to wonder how many "Carolyns" there were so many years ago when abuse was something "nice" people didn't talk about and medical and law enforcement professionals tried to cover up.
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