Michael Hayes (1997–1998)
Mind the typecast!
24 October 2001
I loved David Caruso in NYPD Blue - he was the epitome of tough cool. When he left I hoped that his movie career would take off. Unfortunately he didn't seem to want to play any character different from his "tough guy with a sensitive and moral edge" role from NYPD Blue. Hence his return to leading roles in television.

It's unfortunate that again he found himself back in the same role again in Michael Hayes - essentially a lawyer version of John Kelly. Caruso is good in the role, but then I'm biased because I liked this role. However you can't help feeling that Caruso is being totally typecast and is not enjoying it.

The stories were reasonable throughout the series and again brought the NYPD Blue themes of tough justice - Hayes bringing regular large cases where he brought justice to wrong situations. The series was pretty standard fare - I enjoyed it because I do like Caruso (typecasting or not), but generally you did get the feeling that you'd seen it all before.

Good series but given Caruso's NYPD Blue potential he really should be moving forward and not lingering in TV dramas that retread ground he's already covered.
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