Review of Baby Geniuses

Baby Geniuses (1999)
The Most Dangerous Film of the Year
9 June 1999
"Baby Geniuses" poses by far the greatest threat to moviegoers in 1999, Annette Bening's "In Dreams" notwithstanding.

First, this pseudo-comedy possesses a heretofore unseen capacity to completely waste your time--two perfectly good hours that you could have spent on something far more constructive for society, like playing video games. Second, "Baby Geniuses" is basically completely inane fluff that makes "BASEketball" look like a brilliant exploration of the human condition. Consisting of tired Culkinesque "kick the adult in the groin" sight gags, "Baby Geniuses" is embarrassingly unfunny. Third, and most worrisome, this flick has the potential to create havoc with population control. After enduring two hours of these insufferable little brats, most viewers will opt for immediate tubal ligation. On the other hand, the tiny Carrie Robbins character (played by the most adorable little twins imaginable) was SO SWEET I decided to run out and impregnate my girlfriend.

This is an AWFUL, PAINFUL film, and I just hope I've been able to warn you in time. With so many drawbacks (lame plotline, silly dialogue, Kathleen Turner and Peter MacNicol as main characters, poor special effects: the babies' computer-simulated mouths are completely out of sync with their words) it's amazing this film got made at all. Oh, wait, it's a Sony picture. That explains everything.
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