Review of Gunshy

Gunshy (1998)
This movie blew me away!!!
30 July 2004
Blew me away. Very impressed. This f-----ing movie GUNSHY has what movies today have totally missed and left behind, GOOD STORY TELLING and GOOD ACTING. It reminded me of the great movies I used to look forward to watching when I was growing up. Great characters and a story that pulls you in and ends with a twist. It's like the filmmakers must have used Casablanca or Mean Streets or something for their ideas, because of the cool film noir feel it had. Story was so involving and you felt like you were in it right there with the characters. I just ordered it the other day from Amazon and the only reason I did was because I love Gangster films.

I watched it with my brother and we no idea what to expect and suddenly half way through, I realized I was into it and hooked. Michael Wincott tore it up, he should have gotten some kind of an award or something. All I've ever seen that guy do was play bad guys and they were always interesting but here he was kind of a modern day Humpfrey Bogart here. His performance is flawless, so believable. Diane Lane was so sexier than I've ever seen her and portrayed her character exactly like she lived in Atlantic City and was that girl. Bill Petersen I didn't know very well. I know he;s on that TV show CSI but I don't watch TV.Matter of fact I hate it.

Petersen was really good though and right on the money as a guy you love to hate. The writing, the style, the Direction, the whole thing was something to cheer about. Check it out. That is, if you want to watch something that's different and way above the crap we're expected to pay eleven bucks to walk out of.
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