There are much better Julia Roberts films than this
17 April 2001
Unfortunately not really worth watching. A pity, because it could have been much better, with its unusual take as a non-feelgood romantic comedy. Any romantic comedy needs more likeable characters than are on show here though. Gay George is the only really likeable one, he does have some standout lines and situations that are funny even when recounted in other IMDB comments.

The others however - dreadful. Jules seemed not to be sure whether to be all-out cutthroat or intrinsically nice just playing at nasty. Dermot Mulroney's character was far too boring and chauvinistic, and not charismatic enough to have believability. And Kimmy could have been cute and likeable, but just look at her driving! I would like to see her get banned for life (likewise from singing). Jules behaved badly and nearly got somebody fired from their job, but that ain't even in the same league as Kimmy! She almost killed people on the roads and carparks of Chicago, and undoubtedly would if she were allowed to continue like that.

Can't recommend this, despite Everett's best endeavours. Julia Roberts has been so much better than this in other films (most notably Erin Brockovich).
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