Running Time (1997)
Running on Real Time
11 September 1998
I have had the pleasure of seeing Josh Becker's film "Running Time" on several occasions. I never get tired of this film. Shot in black and white with a running time (no pun intended) of 70 minutes, the film was presented as a single shot film (no obvious cuts) a style also called "real time". "Running Time" is the first successful attempt at making a "real time" feature length film since Alfred Hitchcock's classic thriller, "Rope"(1948 ). Another film that attempted, but failed, at using real time was the feature film "Nick of Time"(1995), directed by John Badham and starring Johnny Depp and Christopher Walken. But where that film failed due to too many "jump cuts", "Running Time" succeeded, and with honors. Watching the film gave one the sence of watching a single, seemless shot. "Running Time" also saw what is to date Bruce Campbell's best performance in a feature film. Watching "Running Time" was what I'd call a real good time. The Couch Potato Critic, The Octopus Magazine
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