Review of Stag

Stag (1997)
An Over-Praised Piece Of Garbage!!!!!!!
4 April 1999
There is not one single solitary original idea in this film. None. It drags from the opening. The editing is terrible. The acting is lame and the story was so bad that I didn't even finish watching it because I didn't care about the outcome of the characters.

I know that while the guidelines say I should not comment on other reviews I feel I must in this case. I came to review this movie right after I stopped it. To my disbelief people are actually praising this film as being thought provoking. The only thought it provoked in me was that I could make a better movie than it. The only person with a decent comment was the guy from England.

This movie was also compared to VERY BAD THINGS. A fair analogy because they both have the same basic idea. But, STAG fails to entertain. I laughed for an hour and a half straight during VERY BAD THINGS. But, during STAG I caught myself thinking of VERY BAD THINGS. VERY BAD THINGS was shocking. STAG was boring. Pass on this one.

I give it 2 out of 10.
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