sweet sappy holly woody that would make andy upchucky
10 January 2000
Let me start by saying that I do not regret seeing this movie, nor would I recommend against it -- especially those who thought that Andy Kaufman really was a sexist pig who wrestled women to prove men were superior. But fans of his humor will be disappointed. I must also say that I have not liked most of Carey's humor with the lone exception of "The Mask" -- he does manage to pull off AK as well as anyone could have.

This was a real hollywoodizationalization that tries to "humanize" AK for those who "misunderstood" his humor. Anyone who took his macho wrestling against women stuff seriously should see this movie and be "educated." Just like anyone who thinks the pro wrestling fights in the parking lot are real should talk to his or her daddy or mommy.

I remember almost wetting my pants during the real letterman "fight" when the "insulted pro wrestler" decked AK whose neck he had "cracked" in the ring with a "piledriver". Dave's reenactment was less than genuine -- i remember him pulling off his "fearful" routine far better in the original -- kissing up to Lawler. That was part of what made the whole routing funny then, it was decidedly less funny in this movie. Thinking about it I have to agree with many viewers' impression that this thing looks like it was hacked up by some standard brand studio editing.

Like a pro wrestler, andy made us believe his characters while this movie tries to make a larger audience that never liked or even had a clue as to the humor in his routines "like Andy".

A nice homage, I would have preferred less sap and more AK spirit -- like trying to convince us his death was staged -- that would have Andy Kaufman smile. I think those sightings of Elvis in the Supermarkets are really Andy Kaufman's ghost having one more laugh at us all.
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