This is one of the best films I have seen this year.
15 November 1999
The Iron Giant is a masterpiece. I brought my child to see this film and found myself enjoying it more than they did. As a matter of fact I think I enjoyed it more than anyone in the theater that day.

The Iron Giant will make you laugh, and it most certainly will put a tear in your eye. This is the most heart wrenching and exciting tale I have seen this year. When this movie is released on video I will be the first in line to buy it. It not only is a beautiful film to look at, but it teaches morals like no other animated film I have ever seen (and I am a HUGE animation fan).

Do yourself a favor and buy this film when it becomes available. This film deserved a better treatment at the box office. I only hope that video sales will help to make a profit for this great film. If not, Warner Brothers and other studios might be afraid of losing money on other similar movies and that would be a shame.
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