Review of Run Lola Run

Run Lola Run (1998)
Rent, Lola, Rent
21 February 2000
The best movies of the last few years have mostly been foreign and independent films. Despite Hollywood's attempt to supersaturate the movie market with worthless, pointless, and pathetic lowest common denominator trash, a few excellent films have made it to theaters and video stores in America. Run, Lola, Run is one of these shining gems.

The story is simple. Lola has 20 minutes to come up with $100,000 dollars in order to save her boyfriend, Manni, from the wrath of a drug dealer. It sounds simple enough but like all movies, the most basic of ideas turns into an incredible journey with plenty of subplots woven into the mix. Lola's only vehicle, a moped, was stolen so she has to run and run and run.

The movie is a high octane trip set to a pulsing techno soundtrack that will get your heart racing as fast as Lola's. This is one of the best movies I have ever seen and I am kicking myself for not seeing it in the theater. Run to your nearest video store and rent this movie.
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