The Final Sacrifice (1990 Video)
20 July 1999
This film is the zaniest piece of garbage to be tossed into the US from Canada. It stars Zap Rowsdower, a hateable drunk who can get out of ANY dangerous situation with his beer bottles. Hes pretty resourceful, even making a molotov cocktail out of one in a great scene. Then theres Troy McGregor, an adult child, probably a eunuch, who is the "handsome" lead. All he does is make dumb comments and run from people chasing him, as well as hiding in a basement all day and night. Then theres the villain, who sounds like a tape recorded message in slow motion and has animal caves for nostrils. Finally theres the old backwoods codger, who does a good Yosimite Sam impression but otherwise isnt much other than laughs. This movie really should have been marketed as a would have been a lot more successful. Overall, not horrible...Its a good movie for Canadian standards.
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