Review of Supernova

Supernova (I) (2000)
Where's the ending?
30 January 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to seeing "Supernova" a bit, mainly because, as IGN Movies says, "nothing blows up bigger than a sun." And there's no sun (or star) bigger than a blue giant. So, what went wrong? First off, there's zero character development. We hardly get to know the characters throughout the entire movie, except for their main quality (this one's smart, this one's a hero, this one's crazy). Also, we are thrust right into the story, without much of an exposition. I guess the producers figured we would already know the characters.

(WARNING: Minor spoiler)

And why bother with killing the captain? It's seemed like a "Oops, he died. In other news..." situation. We know the facts behind the reason of his death, but why even have him in the movie if he's only in there for about 15 minutes?

(WARNING: Spoiler)

Another thing: what's with the artifact? It had so much potential (after all, the things 9-dimensional!). But again, it was wasted, as the only thing it's good for is blowing up a star. Which brings me to my next point...

(WARNING: Major spoiler)

The supernova sucked. Picture the explosion created by a dying blue giant, hundreds of times larger than our sun. Picture the shockwave vaporizing anything and everything in its path. Picture the heroes desperately trying to escape. Now picture the whole thing lasting for about 5 seconds. What a HUGE disappointment. Also, the computer aboard the ship says the resulting explosion will reach Earth in 51 years, and will either destroy our planet, or create new life. But do we get to find out what happens? No. All we get is the fact that the two survivors switched an eyeball each, and the woman is pregnant. Whoopee. In summary, this movie is like a 31 chapter book. The director decides to start on chapter 2, and then skips every other chapter, effectively missing both the beginning and the end. "Supernova" is easily a contender for "Worst Movie of 2000."
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