Review of Troops

Troops (1997)
In a way, brilliant.
19 July 2001
Many friends of mine belong to that special club: The club that can recite from memory all things "Star Wars". I do not quite have the knowledge of the Blessed Trilogy to join that club, but I still get most inside jokes that jab at that groundbreaking trio of sci-fi fantasies. Still, based on the recommendation of one of the members of that aforementioned club, I downloaded this ten-minute film off of the Internet, and I am so glad that I did.

The premise is rather simple...Take "Star Wars" and filter through the documentary style used by the TV series "Cops". The story centers around stormtroopers ("Troops"...Get it?) who live on the planet of Tatooine, which any amateur "Star Wars" fan can tell you is the homeplanet of the trilogy's hero Luke Skywalker.

The small brilliance of this film, though, is that it takes its premise, and really runs with it. It does not just let the idea be the joke. Instead, it runs an interesting parallel storyline with the first film in the trilogy, suggesting that the so-called sabotage by the Empire was indeed just a big misunderstanding. And when you add some hilarious performances and some surprisingly good special effects, it's a wonderful blend that makes "Troops" near the top of the list of "Star Wars" send ups (and there have been quite a few, believe me).
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