Review of Psycho

Psycho (1998)
Psycho (1998) is Psycho (1998)
27 December 1998
Almost 40 years ago a black and white film was made called Psycho. It was a thriller. The new movie is just that: a new movie! Why can't people either go watch it and enjoy it for what it is; a 1998 movie called Psycho, or don't bother going if you think you are going to see the original Norman Bates' actor. Remember, Anthony Perkins died.

The movie shows off some fine acting. I am sure all of the characters have watched the original a time or two. Doesn't matter. My point? Well, my father watched television when it first came out. Today, televisions are totally different from the black and white one that he first watched. That doesn't mean that he doesn't enjoy the newer televisions of today.

Get with it, movie-goers: give the actors and full cast of this movie a bow. They deserve it! Finally, anyone who saw the original in the movie theatre or at a drive-in theatre is now probably some old set-in-their-way senior citizen by now.

A must-see movie!
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