Review of Psycho

Psycho (1998)
A courageous, interesting failure
28 July 2000
Of course this film is hated. How dare they have the gall to remake of the most beloved films in the history of American Cinema? What were they thinking?

And, of course no one can match the performance of Norman Bates. Vince Vaughn doesn't. Even Tom Hanks couldn't. No one can. It's unperformable. But, if you view the film as it's own, it's not that bad.

Few changes have been made from the orginal. Most them subtle. One change, however, underlines the film to a crashing hault. The masturbation scene. And, if you ever wanted to see Vince Vaugh masturbate to Anne Heche showering, this is the film for you. However, a serious film buff, will see that this change gets a laugh, at precisely the moment when one is not needed.

Anyways, you got to admire Van Sant for even trying this. The film is watchable. I love watching Vince Vaughn, even if his performance pales in comparison to Anthony Perkins. Anne Heche is adequate in the role of Marion Crane. Viggo Mortensen plays it all wrong as her lover. William H. Macy does a stellar job as Det. Arbogast. Robert Forster is good as the physican at the end. Even if you hate the film, it's got an all star cast, and I'm sure the actors had fun making the film.

I figured the film would at least break even at the box office, due to interest alone. It's not great, of course, it's not the 1960 version, but it's not all that bad. Watch it for Macy and Forster. Imagine the fun Vince Vaughn had chewing into this role. I would have loved the film to be shot in complete Black and White. But, this film fails. It's watchable, but so is Death Wish 3, that doesn't make it great however. But, film buffs should view the film out of curiousity. And I applaud Van Sant to have the courage to tread into these waters. Most directors wouldn't. I'd have loved to see the Coen's direct this. But, overall, this film is like the masturbation scene. An attempt to creature past passion and greatness
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