slow, depressing and utterly disturbing
20 June 2000
Boys don't cry is perhaps one of the longest movies to watch. Both the content of the movie and the plot leave you begging for the end. The movie is extremely slow and this is mainly because the plot is so lacking. We get to know Brandon, but the first hour of the movie is merely a party. Party after party, leads the audience to get bored with the film, because it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. In fact, it takes at least twenty five minutes of the film for Brandon to even meet Lana. Aside from the grudging pace of the film, the content is utterly disturbing and depressing. We watch some of the most low class people. The only people that seem to shine are Brandon and Lana, and this is expressed well in the scenes where they dream about going to Memphis. Towards the end of the film, the plot picks up and so does the speed. We hope that Brandon and Lana can make it and that they dont hurt Brandon. The ending adds a major shock to this hope. I suppose that the director was aiming at creating a parrallel between Brandon as a guy in the beginning and as an uncovered woman in the end. At first we see that these people really like him as a good friend. The acting in this film is really great, and Swank is brilliant.

Nevertheless, the grudging pace and excessive depressing scenes boggled down the great performances. (6 of 10)
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