Review of Hammerman

Hammerman (1991–1992)
One of those childhood memories you never want to see resurface.
29 July 2001
The millisecond I saw an episode of "Hammerman" on video for sale at Buck-A-Book (my favorite hunting ground for cheesy cartoons nobody else seems to remember; this isn't a plug, just a Public Service Announcement) I knew there was no way it wasn't going to end up coming home with me. Now, since I'm the first person to comment on this cartoon, and I always feel sad thinking about our dear Stanley Kirk Barrel's career, I'll be very NICE here.

The animation isn't all *that* bad. It might be cheap and choppy, but it also looks a lot like graffiti art, so it matches the old-school rap theme. And you'd be hard-pressed to find a purer form of cheese.

And, well, those are the only NICE things I have to say about "Hammerman", so I'll stop here. Those singing twin ladies might just be my new heroines, though.
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