Review of Hammerman

Hammerman (1991–1992)
A Childhood memory I'd like to forget.
11 July 2004
I remember seeing this show on Saturday Mornings on ABC back in the early 90's. I actually liked the show then, but I later realized how bad it was. It was a cartoon starring MC Hammer who became a super hero. I think he became his superhero identity when he hit his shoes together or something. I also recall he wore the trademark Parachute pants when he was Hammerman. It was a riduculous premise, and all in all, the show was stupid altogether. Thankfully, ABC canned it in its first season, never to be seen again. As much as I liked Hammer back in the day(like everyone else), this show certainly wasn't contributive to his career. But then again, we all know where his career went after awhile. 0/10
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