Ideas Matter
13 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers herein.

I'm always amazed at TeeVee productions about art and artists. It is, I contend, impossible for anything cinematic to exist on TeeVee; the technology is such that you have to focus on faces and work with simpler visual situations. The finances demand (for broadcast) that all be episodic and for all TeeVee that celebrity be the focus. There are more limitations -- I address them in other comments.

But the point is that intelligent filmmakers, as artists, live through their art. The films themselves are what speaks, and often they are far more articulate than anything the filmmaker could say. But bolstered by the economics of TeeVee and the blockbuster mentality, many of us live in a celebrity society. So it seems to someone to make sense to have a TeeVee film about David Lynch.

I've recently seen similar projects about Scorsese, Kurosawa, Welles, Eisenstein. They all move from ideas to gossip: here we have Mel Brooks tell us why he liked Lynch. Who cares? Here we have friends talk about dessicating birds and moving about. Does this illuminate?

I admit that one such documentary about Julian Schnabel did shed some light on his vacuous approach to film by showing his paintings and what he said about them. And here we have a few of Lynch's painting's and a very few words about them, mostly fondly remembered anecdotes.

A final insult is that the photographic and production values were horrendous.

But, there is one thing on the DVD that saves the day. It seems that Lynch and Jack Fisk were buddies in their french fry days. Here we have Fisk reminiscing, and that was welcomed by this viewer. Fisk is an art director/production designer and is one of the most intelligent and effective in the business. Check out the very few films he has done. Some of those are the most visually arresting in history. Artists like this tend to get lost in the crowd, so it was nice at least seeing how he carries and expresses himself, even if the subject was Lynch.

Ted's Evaluation -- 2 of 4: Has some interesting elements.
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