Strangers with Candy (1999–2000)
I laughed my butt off!
3 October 2000
This is the best comedy I have ever watched that was not a cartoon (the south park types). This show is definitely not for those that have no sense of humor; and like watching those mundain sitcoms on the "big three" channels that prompt you into laughing at things that are not funny with there stupid laugh tracks. Strangers is very witty, quick and smart humor that will have you rolling and they do not even use a laugh track. I went through a phase were I did not watch any sitcoms for several years since "Seinfeld" left. I have relied on comedy central since then for SNL reruns and Southpark, or renting something funny just so I can get my daily dose of humor. Then comedy central brings this new show to us that just blows you away with its off the wall humor, cracks, jokes that some people may not catch if they are not quick enough. I saw the commercials for the show for a bit and thought it looked silly. Then after seeing one episode I was a total fan that couldn't wait until the next episode! I love how almost every line is something that is humorous if you can catch it quick enough. When I catch a rerun I have already seen, I find myself catching more humour hidden at every turn. The season finale episode was great, one scene has two teachers having fun wheeling each other around real fast in a wheelchair and having fun. The two teachers look down the hall and say "you are so lucky!", then the camera pans down the hall and they are addresing a handicapped kid laying on the floor that they "borrowed" the wheelchair from! No show out there can touch this kind of humor. I think I like it so much because I live this kind of humor, no matter what I am doing I often throw a warped view on things that makes people laugh. When are they going to put all the previous episodes on tape so I can see the ones I missed?
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