commendable effort by a young director
24 April 1999
Shot in a southern India city in 17 days, this comes under low budget film category. This movie is an effort by an young Indian director. It's about Varun, a Non Resident Indian(NRI), who returns home to Hyderabad, India, after a living for 12 years in USA. Mainly its focused on the foreigner in him and conflicts (cultural) with the people he grew up with, including his parents who insist that he should get married to a girl from his caste (a subsect within the religion). He meets Ashwini a self-made doctor who hates anything that is even remotely foreign. He finally marries her. The dialogue is well written, though you see some repetition. It has a piece of music that's played repetitively, however its good. It has no known actors. It's a low-budget adventure by director/producer/writer Nagesh Kukunoor. I appreciate his efforts. With films being the passion he made it with whatever money he could save while working as a consultant. I strongly advice you to see this.
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