----------You coulda' been a contender----------
26 August 2004

(nothing to spoil)

Of course this movie is not going to live up to the original, but the producers didn't even TRY!

In the original, they took the time to make a dummy for the head turning scene, and had Linda Blair, or a stunt double tied to wires for the spider walk. The producers got fricking lazy and cheap, and had pathetic CGI scenes done instead. Every time I saw something CGI, it pulled me out of the movie, killed the mood, and made me angry at first, then chuckle with disbelief.

This movie HAD potential, there is a few freaky scenes (the end of the tunnel at the end, for those who've seen it) was a scene that could scare the crap out of someone. But I wasn't captivated enough and wasn't really IN the movie, if you know what I mean. The acting, in my opinion, was fine.

The story was there, even though some more character development could have helped, it didn't bother me either.

In this day and age, nasty profanities, and nudity don't really render shocks of amazement. But for it's day, the original Exorcist's crucifix masturbation scene was horrendous. It would be horrendous today. The new film should have pushed new boundaries, and made people incredibly uncomfortable, and make them get the urge to go to confession right after they got out of the theatre.

But I didn't get remotely bothered. Except the fact that I wasted money seeing it in the theaters.

Do yourself a favor, wait 9 months, and make it a blockbuster night. You're not missing much
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