Less would have been more.
6 March 2003
"The Weigh of Water" interleaves a present day story of two DINK couples on a boat exploring the New England coast where the second story of the murder of two Norwegian women took place 127 years before with the second story. Sound confusing? Well, the film is surprisingly coherent considering it's a Rubik's cube of scenes with flashbacks within flashbacks and two stories going on simultaneously. Unfortunately, the present day story isn't very interesting unless you want to see Hurley sucking on ice and bathing her naked flesh in with it or Penn drunkenly spouting poetry. The more interesting 19th century tale is a so-so drama with Polley at the center which just takes too long to get where it's going because of the constant interruptions. "The Weight of Water" includes many interesting elements such as murder, treachery, deceit, incest, etc. but annoyingly jerks the viewer from one story to the other not allowing for a continuously engrossing experience. A clear case of less would have been more, this flick gives the illusion of quality entertainment while squandering its solid cast on a junked up screen play with Polley carrying most of the weight of the water of her delicate shoulders. (B-)
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