Like watching Rabelais at the ice-capades
12 August 2001
Like Percival's quest for the grail, I have come upon this piece of cinematic transgression after endless peril. Like the other video nasty that has paraded before my eyes, the arbitrary rock band Gwar has created such a work that will cause endangered animals everywhere to hide (watch out Emmett Otter, and hide your Jug-band)... I could make a joke like, this was Magical Mystery Tour crossed with Don't Look Back for the 90's, or that the intro was reminiscent of the protestors in Zabriskie Point (some reviewers would give better notes to Gwar). Instead I will say this, for those whose gaze must seek out all the underground trash video, after watching Phallus in Wonderland do me two favors: take a long shower, and watch Vincente Minelli's Meet Me in St. Louis, okay, thank you, good night...
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