Here's a game for ya....
16 June 2001
This is a real challenge! You'll love it! Spot all the original elements in this movie. And you thought finding Waldo was hard. Jodi Lynn O'Keefe is sexy and serves as great eye candy. But even with the presence of Sweet Lil' Jodi, "Devil in the Flesh 2" is dull and a half! Cliched characters, cliched dialogue, dull plot, extremely cheap production, boring direction, some bad acting--Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. This is a thriller without the thrills. It's not even a guilty pleasure. Guilty pleasures usually have some degree of originality--even if that originality takes a twisted turn. There's ABSOLUTELY nothing in this movie that you haven't seen in past thrillers of this type. The first "Devil in the Flesh" was no gem, but at least it was mildly entertaining. And there was a hot, steamy sex scene to compensate for the flaws. There's one sex scene with brief nudity in this lamebrain sequel. I was at least expecting Jodi to get naked. Damn it! I've seen student films--which were ten times cheaper than this low-budget turkey--with more intelligence and more entertainment value. Just because you're running on a low budget doesn't mean you have to stop being original. Originality is not included in the production values.

This movie was so lame I sent it back to Netflix the exact same day it came in the mail.

My score: 2 (out of 10)
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