Anya's Bell (1999 TV Movie)
Simple, yet touching and heartwarming.
3 November 1999
When you think of all the movies we have grown to like, they usually involve someone being blown to pieces, or spectacular special effects, or various "four-letter words" every second word. Of course TV Movies can't meet these guidelines since they work on a relatively limited budget and reduced time frame. As a result we end up getting movies with cheesy plots (and sometimes no plots at all!) with lame acting and all we think to ourselves after two hours is "Could have gone bowlin' or something!"

Well after two hours of "Anya's Bell", I was not only impressed, but deeply moved. This is a heartwarming tale of a boy who befriends an old blind lady. Plot sound familiar? It probably does - young kid meets old man - they team up, start a wonderful friendship - man dies. Even though Anya's Bell follows this model plot, it still manages to keep the viewer interested.

The deeply emotional performances of Mason Gamble (Dennis the Menace) and Della Reese (Touched By An Angel) in the roles of Scott and Anya can't help but affect the viewer on an emotional level. The subplots I didn't care much for.

You may find it cheesy, unrealistic and way too familiar, but perhaps that's a good thing. Perhaps we need to get in touch more with our emotions. After all, this movie is a lot more realistic than "Terminator 2" or "Star Wars" (although Star Wars is one of my favourite movies of all time!).

Bottom Line - "Anya's Bell" isn't the best TV movie ever made, but it sure is a great, touching, and heartwarming film, that had my attention every step of the way. Good family entertainment stressing good moral values. It's more worth your time watching this movie than watching some ridiculous, crude sitcom. I give it an 8 out of 10 - my highest rating EVER for a TV Movie!
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