How scary is this one? Definetly keep the lights on!
30 December 2002

STARRING: Jamie Lee Curtis, Busta Rhymes

Picture This: 6 Teenagers put into the house of a monstrous serial killer to make it a popular 24-7 Reality TV show on Halloween. The only problem is the monstrous serial killer is none other than Michael Myers, who's known for being simply and purely evil. Michael Myers is also known for not being able to die, no matter how many Halloween movies they put out. The great plot has now struck the nerve in die hard Halloween fans when the rival of Lorie Strode [played by Jamie Lee Curtis] and her brother, Michael Myers, comes to an end. Or has it?

This movie is full of more scares, surprises and gasps that's sure to keep jumping out of their seats from the minute the lights go out until the end credits begin to role. This is one of the top 3 out of the Halloween series I wouldn't watch alone.

I give this movie **** out of *****
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