Did You BW2 Supporters See The Same Movie I Did?!
14 October 2001
If so, I have just one question...

What mind-altering drug were you all under the influence of when you were watching this cinematic piece of trash? Okay, I admit that was a cheap shot, but you deserved it. Now, if you liked this movie(though I can't imagine why you would), that's one thing, but deducing that those of us who didn't care for it are just unintelligent and there's no way possible that such a "thought provoking" and "imaginative" film wouldn't be able to register in our feeble little brains... well, that is the straw that broke the camel's back! Where do you get off?!

I read so many comments saying, "Don't compare this to the first Blair Witch!" Why not?! In case you haven't noticed, if it wasn't for the first Blair Witch, there would BE no BW2. There is going to be some kind of comparison to the first one whether it's intentional or not, so just get over it.

As for my review of the 'film', first of all, I DID see what the filmmakers were trying to accomplish and I thought it was a very bold attempt on their part, BUT we have to face facts here. The execution of it was absolutely HORRIBLE and ended up with very disasterous results! A film with no visible plot, loose ends that never got tied up(could someone please tell me the significance of showing Jeff in the mental hospital if it didn't help to push the plot along), no concept of foreshadowing, unnecessary use of gore and nudity, characters I couldn't sympathize with in the least, and the worst acting I've ever seen! The scenes that needed to be shorter, dragged on for miles and the scenes that needed more meat on their bones, ended abruptly before we could get any useful information from them. The movie left me with so many unanswered questions it's not even funny!

I'm all for innovative filmmaking, but for me to call BW2 that, it would have to had accomplished what it originally set out to do and unfortunately, it didn't.
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