The stupid things love makes us do
3 September 2004
Diastole y Sistole is a movie broke down into a series of short scenes (sketches) which are by no means meant to be sequentially linked. There is no character development because the basic idea behind the movie is clearly to underline the fact that there are some stupid things that love makes us do,universal mistakes and situations that are repeated over and over again by all of us no matter how many times we've gone through these situations, and thus Her and Him are ANY two guy and girl on different relationships and points in time. The sketches bear no relation to one another besides being based on relationship based situations or occasionally ludicrous scenes that exaggerate the idiocy behind love. This movie might then result amusing for someone who doesn't idealize love as a Julia Roberts movie, but rather a common experience that creates a bond between every person that has ever been in a relationship but not necessarily in love. In this sense the movie had an added value on spectator complicity and collective laughter when seen on a movie theater that could be lost when seen alone on video. So if you're gonna watch it at home at least make sure you have invited a couple of friends and to have between them a healthy balanced male : female ratio for some situations are gender aimed.
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