Exit Wounds (2001)
One of the best Seagal film there is
29 May 2002
Exit Wounds delivers us what no one who'd have expected a year before it's release: a theatrical reappearance of action hero Steven Seagal. The guy seemed to be sentenced of into b-movielimbo after Glimmer man but this is his comeback, and one for the better in my opinion. Almost everything that was annoying about Seagal to a lot of people has been removed; the ponytail, the zenwisdoms, the seriousness... however, he's still a cop and he's still breaking' bones like pretzels. Apart from a couple of small plotholes (Driving in a yellow Hummer borrowed from Latrell who's undercover immediately gives away Latrell as soon as Seagal is spotted in the Hummer) the story is pretty decent, at least for a Seagal movie.

Most of his past movies were simple revenge flicks, this tries to do something different for the man. The styling is very smooth and can be compared to Romeo must die. The hiphopbeats, cool cars, snappy action and nice cast work good. This movie can be seen in some extent as the sequel to RMD due to the styling and cast (a couple of cast members also have roles in RMD). Of course, no selfrespecting actionflick can miss humour and there's plent of it in Exit Wounds, mostly provided by Tom Arnold and Anthony Anderson but Seagal himself also provides a laugh or two throughout the movie, hell the man even laughs himself! All in all a good actionmovie which is sure to please you for 1,5 hour if you don't have prejudice grudge against Seagal.

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