Tales of Seduction (1991– )
Stylish and doesn't pull anything outrageous
21 January 2001
Because of the vague reviews that are on the web about U-Jin Brand I picked up this title without knowing that it was a hentai. However this 3 part OVA doesn't go anywhere near the extreme as most hentai do (think Cinemax late-night). Settings and plotline are kept down to earth with realistic situations. It is also enjoyable because of the unexpected twists that makes Japanese animation in general more appealling than Hollywood or Disney.

The whole OVA is around 45 minutes, the three parts are divided as such: 1. A pop music composer for teen idols bases his choices on luck while facing a difficult decision concerning his admiration for a teenage girl. 2. A girl who is dumped by her boyfriend seeks assistance in getting her ex back. 3. A love-sick worker attempts to blackmail his boss to get the girl that he wants.

As you can see these stories focus on real life people and very probable situations which is why this film is well worth the money to rent.
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