Spirited Away (2001)
A bit confusing...but BEAUTIFUL!
1 July 2003
This is the first time I consciously watched a movie by Miyazaki Hayou (I watched the butchered version of "Valley of the Winds" which doesn't count anyway) and I have to say it's brilliant. Although the story lags it never bores. It's confuses and confounds and you forgive it for that. Most movies you want some underlying logic. Outside of basic Shintoism there is no logic and maybe that's what makes the movie great. It's not bound to Medieval Japan or the Modern one but is sort of trapped in between.

My favourite part is the "Oh my, a paper-cut!" bit.

The only part I really disliked is Noh-Face's rampage. It seems to be the only thing that really doesn't fit. It's too eccentric and shifts the movie a bit out of place.

Other than that it's fine. But I guess some people won't buy Haku's real identity (which is a bit OUT THERE, I must admit). But I'd really like to own this movie on DVD, because it's a beautiful movie.
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