X-Men: Evolution (2000–2003)
More like De-Evolution
25 October 2001
Formula, take one great superhero cartoon (X-Men), take away any similarity to their comic counterparts (especially Wolverine), turn them into Dawson's Creek wannabees, and voila.... you have X-Men Evolution.

I have been a fan of the X-Men comics since 1981, and a fan of the original X-Men cartoon, and I can honestly say, that I am extremely disappointed in this series.

Great characters like the Beast are ignored, while cheap rip-offs (Spyke) of other characters (Marrow) are created.

Ignore this cartoon if you know what is good for you. If you want to watch a superhero cartoon with great characters, great animation, that follows the comic closely, catch a rerun of Batman: The Animated Series.
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