Michael Jackson: Black or White (1991 Music Video)
best music video ever
12 September 2002
This is by far MJ's best music video. Regardless of how great Thriller is, Black or White is better. It contains many different forms of dance, comedy, and serious messages. I would specificly like to comment on his smashing of the car in the second half of the video. No one seems to understand why he does it and I am here to tell you why. In the real version the car windows (and the store windows) are covered in racial slurs and other offensive graffiti. He smashes a Nazi swastika, "KKK rules", "N----- go home" and other such hateful messages. No one seems to know this and they all think it is just violence for the sake of violence. He is trying to tear down hate, racism, and prejudice in all forms.

I recommend everyone see the real version of the video. If nothing else it has some of MJ's best dancing to date.
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