Review of Battle Royale

Battle Royale (2000)
Different from what I thought it would be
1 October 2002
There is some kind of controversy around Battle Royale saying that it is an EXTREMELY violent film, and that it is way too violent to be released in the U.S. Now, I have seen it (and I bought the DVD because it was the only way I could see it) and let me tell you that people that are saying this are half wrong.

Battle Royale is, in the film, a survival program intended by the Government which consists of sending a ninth grade class every year on a deserted island, giving each of them some food, a map, a random weapon and an explosive necklace. The rules are simple: they have three days to kill each other until only one survives. If, after three days, more than one student is alive, all the necklaces explode (so they all die!). So, that may first sound stupid and pointless...I've seen a movie with a very similar story entitled "Mean Guns" that really is an awful movie...but Battle Royale puts a bigger focus on the characters' feelings, alliances, friendships, betrayal, among others. There are some interesting thoughts about all that in the film, but the biggest message isn't one of those so easily given...I'll let you find it by yourself, because it isn't hard, but watching Battle Royale will be clearer than any News program you'll see on TV (especially in North America!).

But, besides being a, let's face it, pretty violent film with a message, Battle Royale is also "entertaining" to watch, even though you see 42 students killing each other. This movie will make you think, and you may recognize yourself in one of the characters, or in the decisions they make.

Now, if I talk about the controversy, all I can say'll see really worse than this! The reason why it is considered SO violent is probably the fact that you constantly see STUDENTS killing each other. If it wasn't students, this would never be so controversial. There is violence, but not so much of it, and it really isn't graphic. This would easily get an R rating in the U.S. if it wasn't about students. We've seen much worse in The Basketball Diaries where Leo blasts his classmates with a was much more graphic and violent than what you'll see in Battle Royale....but it still got an R rating....but The Basketball Diaries was released before the Columbine events...WOW! What a good logic, you idiots! Anyways, if you're expecting the most violent film ever made (you may have been fooled by many reviews that give Battle Royale the title of the most violent film) you'll be disappointed. But if you're expecting a good film, with good directing, great acting (especially from Takeshi Kitano) and a strong message, you'll be pleased.

Battle Royale is not what I expected, but it was still a good surprise, even though I thought it would go deeper in some thoughts and thought it would be a lot more violent. Battle Royale deserves a first viewing before a buy, even though you may not have a choice, like I did...But still, for me this was a good buy...But for gorehounds and fans of violent films, you should see The Killer, Hard Boiled, Organ, Evil Dead Trap, or even Riki-Oh:The Story of Ricky.

I give it 7/10.
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