Get ready for Shock Overload!
4 October 2003
In 1970 Ken Russell made "The Devils", and before now was regarded as his most notorious movie. Now it seems he wants to top all the shocks he's ever done in any movie, and he succeeds with this independent production. Instead of dealing with a meddling studio, he gave the establishment the finger and made this movie all himself. Louse of Usher is about a rock star convicted of murdering his wife, Annabelle Lee. Roddy Usher is sent to an insane asylum directed by Ken Russell who plays Dr. Calihari. While under the care of this crazy doctor, Usher is subjected to various unconventional methods of treatment. That's the plot. Now here's the catch: this film has no structure. It is filmed with sporadic music videos. There are phallic symbols and blow up doll orgies not to mention topless nuns. I haven't seen a frenetic Russell film like this since the classic "Crimes of Passion." I hope this DVD makes a ton, so the elder poetic artist can keep doing that wonderful shock stuff a little longer. Not for children or prudes.
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