Review of Edgemont

Edgemont (2000–2005)
Where's Britney Spears?
8 June 2001
I keep waiting for Britney Spears or someone from N'Sync to walk onto the set of this pathetic so-called show. Honestly, I cannot believe this show would last long. High school teenybopper shows ara a dime a dozen these days, and this show is no different. Take a bunch of stick-skinny, highly sexual teen characters and place them in a high school atmosphere: what do we get? A lot of teens mouthing off to each other and talking about who slept with whom. I remember 'Fifteen' and 'Welcome Freshman' from my younger Nickelodeon days, and at least those shows had some body and plot. The only episode I saw of Edgemont was a major turn-off, and I hope I never have to see it again. I regret what we are teaching our teens these days...
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