SNL's Best Moments! Buy it Today! Now! That Means You, Sally!
18 January 2003
In the beginning, there was sketch comedy. And it was good. And the comedy Gods, distrustful of those poll-taking, focus-group-loving marketing God/punks said, "let there be parodies of vaunted super brands." And it was better.

Even in years when Saturday Night Live lost some of its punch - its flair for biting the hand that fed it, and waiting for that hand to come back for more - one thing has remained consistently funny: SNL's commercial parodies. Seemingly, these parodies have managed to lampoon every aspect of the advertising world. From Dan Aykroyd's bungling delivery of the `Bass-O-Matic,' burlesquing the Ronco / Ron Popeil line of products, to that refreshing after-work all-natural domestic water `Swill' resembling something more akin to slime than Evian. But wouldn't you know it, SNL's Bill Murray just loves it.

Many will remember these sketches as old friends: Phil Hartman atop the ever-growing pyramid of bran as he narrates the exact number of bowls of his `regular' cereal would take to equal just one bowl of `Colon Blow,' (and now *NEW* `Super Colon Blow'. Roseanne (Barr? Arnold?) deadpanning her concern for a credit card customer's plight: Roseanne `I told him he could take out a check, roll it real tight, and cram it!' Hartman `She gave me a lot of options.' Others are more obscure, but nevertheless timeless: `The Network Battle of the 'T's and 'A's. The biggest T s and the hottest A s.' An SNL commercial parody from the 70s era, which may have inspired FOX's current lineup of `television.'

Whatever you're memories of SNL, chances are, the sketches have made you giggle, but the parodies have made you laugh so hard, it made you take a look at the real commercials, and wonder Which is more amusing? The parody, or the fact that Madison Avenue hasn't figured out the punch line?

Do yourself a favor, and add this to your home video/DVD collection. It'll make you feel like you just discovered SNL again.
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