Like being a teenager again.
17 July 2001
Usually when I see that there is a short film in front of a main feature, this is a coded message for 'have a five minute nap'.

What a pleasant surprise. I saw this in front of 'Together' (brilliant) at the G.F.T, and it gave me a real craving for Godard's movies and for that arrogant, self-conscious charm Belmondo portrays so effortlessly.

Kris Marshall was tremendous and did a lot with his small part; one prime example is how pleased he is with himself as he shaves and smokes a lucky strike at the same time. Very Belmondo.

The G.F.T is showing 'Bande a' Part' this month and I recommend that if you liked 'Je t'aime...', you catch that to see where, in part, the inspiration for 'Je t'aime John Wayne' came from.
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