4 August 2003
If you are in the market for a thoroughly original film - an all-engulfing mind-blowing experience that will enthrall you from the (stunning and hilarious) opening sequence and take you on a dazzling cinematic journey the likes of which you have never taken before (and quite possibly might never take again), get yourself to one of the 3 theatres in Los Angeles that is currently playing "And Now...Ladies and Gentlemen" and settle in for an exquisitely sublime treat.

Jeremy-incapable-of-giving-a-less-than-brilliant-performance-Irons is magnificently in his element here as jewel thief extraordinaire Valentin Valentin, and Patricia Kaas, making a thrilling movie debut, is a complete revelation as singer Jane Lester. They both need something in their lives that they're not finding, until they find each other, in Claude Lelouch's masterfully written and directed story of regret, desire and ultimate redemption. This is possibly Irons' best performance of his career thus far, worthy of another Oscar nomination at the very least.
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