The Shield (2002–2008)
Based loosely on the Late 90's "Rampart Scandal"
1 January 2004
***Spoilers contained within****

I have read some comments hear about how this show has no reality to it because it could never happen, cops would never do such a thing and so forth.

Unfortunately this show is based loosely on the real life "Rampart Scandal".

Many of the shows plots came straight out of the headlines from that case. Missing cocaine, officers killed in cold blood, Money theft, Evidence stealing, Beating of suspects, framing of suspects, and more. YES, it really happened.

The thing is, this show gets you to think. I know Vic Mackey is a bad seed, yet I have to cheer for him because he does have a heart.

A lot of folks were unable to look past the fact that he shot a fellow officer in the first episode. A deed which was meant to shock the audience and show that VIC MACKEY was one tough apple.

Again, this is based loosely on the actual real life "Rampart Scandal". One officer shot another in cold blood.

If you look at the show for what it is designed for, ENTERTAINMENT. You will realize it is something designed to bring the inner demons inside of us out. It makes us question "HOW FAR IS TOO FAR??".

I highly suggest this show. AWESOME!!!

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