Return to Castle Wolfenstein (2001 Video Game)
Superb Eye Candy, but a little uninvolved
5 February 2002
This game looks fantastic. The flame effects are superb, as is just about everything visual about it. The story is good as well, and it plays excellently, but it all just doesn't seem to work together.

The visuals feel like the main aspect, almost as if the game was made to show them off. The gameplay puts you into good circumstances, but they never seem really challenging. The stealth missions are a nice addition, but Thief did it years ago, and much better. And why oh why did they bother to make the bodies go down stairs? No-One lives Forever managed to get this right, with older technology. They really shouldn't have bothered trying, the end result is worse than it would have been otherwise.

Overall it looks great and I would recommend anyone to play it, but it never really involves you in the game, the story is an excuse to 'run to here, kill all bad guys, collect item, run to here, use item, kill all bad guys' and you never feel part of it, dispensing few and far between enemies with ease.

But when all is said and done, this IS a classic game, and will be praised for years, even though all it's great parts don't seem to make a great whole.
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