A little subtext with your subtext, Madame?
23 December 2002
In a film that is an homage to the art of subtext -- that explores from a thousand angles the agony of the overt -- the most astonishing subtextual element is Julianne Moore's pregnancy. Todd Haynes has spoken of the costume designer's challenge to hide the fact that Moore was six months (!) pregnant when shooting began. This challenge is only partially met. Nothing can hide Moore's fertility-goddess ripeness. Her waist is full, her breasts are prominent, and her rear end -- in some shots as big as the Hindenburg - is mesmerizing. She's the embodiment of fecundity, which is downright astonishing in light of the explicit barrenness of her character's existence.

With its extraordinary theme, beautiful production, and brilliant performances, "Far From Heaven" is a strange and wonderful film. Go see it.
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