A good flik, but somewhat subdued compared to the videos
5 November 2002
This was a good first effort for Big Idea. It's a cute film, tells a good story, and is well done. But it seems somewhat subduec compared to the all-out humor of the VeggieTale videos, especially the earlier ones. Why don't the Pirates yuck it up more (and sing)? Why don't the french peas expand on the Monty Ponthon bit, instead of just hint at it? I feel like the film is a little too 'safe', perhaps trying too hard for commercial success. They'll get more success if they just relax, let down their hair, and do what they do best. That credits song at the end - that's the tone the whole movie should've had.

And - wouldn't a 'silly songs w/Larry' short at the beginning be great?
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