Review of 'Orrible

'Orrible (2001)
Orrible, In my top five favs of all time.
2 May 2004
I'd like to add that i also Really enjoyed this series, I'd even put it in my top FIVE list of Fav sit-coms of all time. So, why was a programme that was far far funnier than Only Fools and Horses given the push after 6 eps? Well In an age of "Sex and the City" and "Friends" and "Will and Grace", in a age were the women of this planet seem to control popular culture, nobody seems to want to watch a male buddy comedy which had no women as the main stars. Shame really. What else is there for the men of this world to watch on TV these days if they don't like sport? If you've not had the pleasure of seeing this fine show, and your a fan of "only fools", "Porridge" and other British male 'Buddy' sitcoms check this one out.
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