Contrived Period Piece
30 April 2003
Despite the valiant efforts of Paul Bettany and Olivia Williams this is fairly forgettable stuff, in territory which has been done before and much better. Helena Bonham Carter must feel like she's in Groundhog Day. That said, Paul Bettany and Olivia Williams made the best of pretty mediocre base material filled with predictable unimaginative contrivance, to give performances which show each to be capable of moving and powerful acting. Thaddeus O'Sullivan seemed to be just going through the motions, great direction can come in many different styles, however, it always needs empathy for its subject matter, without which there is gravitation towards the hollow and formulaic. All in all, a worthwhile night out if you like your romantic period pieces, but no more, enlivened by Bettany, who hopefully will go on to do better things, and Williams, who really deserves the chances to move her career up a gear.
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