As Good as the Original 1903 Film!
15 January 2003
"Nicholas Nickleby" is a superb ensemble drama with each cast member holding his or her own. But...Christopher Plummer is first amongst equals as his portrayal of the evil Uncle Ralph uncovers, layer by layer, a heart immune to love and a mind and will steeped in extravagant deceit and viciousness. Plummer's egotistic and malign speculator lacks, until the end of the story, the slightest insight into the depravity of his life. But when realization ineluctably dawns, Plummer's intense acting blasts from the screen figuratively lowering the theater temperature with a gripping chill.

Charles Dickens, of course, had a special interest in the conditions of life for both children in general and those, losing fortunes through no fault of their own, who descend to early nineteenth century England's dank houses (and schools) of horror. What a school young Nicholas is apprenticed to by his uncle! Seeing the squalor and cruelty of that school will make every filmgoer glad he/she lives in the age of "No Child Left Behind."

Nicholas Nickleby's sister must endure the slimy advances of Uncle Ralph's investor friend. Their mother is, as would be said in genteel circles, in "reduced" circumstances. Ralph's valet/aide-de-camp is a former gentleman now daily humiliated by his arrogant boss who wallows in hubris and dispenses insults like exhaled breaths. A crippled lad is mocked and beaten.

Nathan Lane deserves special mention as a wandering impresario with wit and warmth.

Well, I have to be honest. I'm the sort of fellow who in truth must borrow from Oscar Wilde and say that "A man must have a heart of stone to watch the travails of the Nicklebys and not laugh." But no one else did in the theater. Hmmm.

Rachel Portman composed a fine score for this well-directed and excellently shot film. For a rare change the score does not constantly intrude.

Masterpiece Theaterish and Merchant Ivorish it is. That's praise. This is a very good adaptation of a Dickens classic very few young people read today.

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