Shocking, thought-provoking
7 August 2003
Quite frankly, I was only semi-curious about seeing this documentary, mainly because of my utter disgust for Michael Moore, who protested the very war I was supporting (I'm supporting my President, I don't know what he was thinking). But, after finding out that it was a good idea to see it because of my disliking of the 2nd Ammendment and the National Rifle Association, I gave it a shot. I'm glad I did.

Documentarian Michael Moore poses the question: "Are we a nation of gun nuts, or are we just plain nuts?" as he explores the issues behind the NRA and the 2nd Ammendment, and the connection between gun-craziness and the Columbine High School massacre in April 1999. He interviews several people from Littleton, Colorado, meets with Charlton Heston, and presents shocking statistics about gun deaths and the history of dictators, and much more.

Much of this documentary was startling--especially the statistics. Over 11 thousand gun deaths in the United States last year, compared to 39 deaths in China, and significantly lower deaths in other countries? Scary!!!! The footage of dictators to the song "What a Wonderful World" with the final image of the segment being the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks was startling at best. However, the lighter fare that "A Brief History of the United States" (I swear, I was hysterical laughing during this segment) is great. It's a short, badly drawn cartoon that depicts the history of our nation in a short, cut-and-dry manner, complete with the patriot with a southern accent stating "I loves my gun! LOVES MY GUN!" was priceless.

I'm a conservative Republican, and there is a major misconception among people who don't have much knoweledge of the political system that Republicans swear by the NRA. Wrong. I don't like the NRA, and many of the Republicans I know don't like the NRA either.

The images I won't soon forget were of the poor Flint, Michigan neighborhoods, the footage of the massacre at Columbine, the picture of 6-year old school shooting victim Kayla Rowland, and the footage of the the evil Charlton Heston shouting "From my cold dead hand!"

I work in a video store, and was able to obtain a demo copy of "Bowling for Columbine," which won't be on video or DVD until August 19, 2003. My boss saw the movie and told me that because of my political beliefs, I would need to see this movie. I'm REALLY glad I did, as I now appreciate the genius that is Michael Moore, even if I don't completely agree with him protesting the war.

I highly recommend renting or buying this when it is released on video and DVD, so everyone can see that we are truly a nation that loves our guns--LOVES OUR GUNS! Sorry, I had to throw that in.
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