A Waste of Film and Computer Time
1 March 2004
Last night my daughter rented this monstrocity posing as a fantasy film. It was terrible. Just because an effect is possible during this computerized era, doesn't mean it deserves doing. First and foremost there's this thing called "story". Without it you have nothing. Was there a story here, because if there was I missed it. This film had more holes in its plot than a village of gophers. You could drive a Ford Expedition through the many non-sequiturs and continuity errors. One nearly drove me crazy. During the blizzard sequence there was a cutaway to a line by Sir Sean, in which there was no snow. It is said quite accurately that film requires the willful suspension of disbelief, but this film requires the viewer to be brain dead. At least Plan Nine from Outer Space is amusing in its stupidity. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was just a waste of film, money, acting talent, rendering time. The DVD will make a nice coaster on the coffee table since that's the best use I can think of.
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