Martin and Lewis (2002 TV Movie)
cliches from beginning to end
25 November 2002
The film is bio-pic cliches from beginning to end, but it reeled me in and kept me watching. There are definite parallels to the Jackie Gleason tv movie which aired just a few weeks ago (unhappy, womanizing, drunk makes good in 50's show business); ironically, Gleason shows up at the end of this story.

I was never able to stop seeing Sean Hayes as `Jack' (from `Will and Grace') instead of as Lewis, although that is not to say that he did a particularly bad job in this role. Jeremy Northam used a very strange accent as Dean Martin, which I found particularly distracting; he did a lousy job lip-synching to the songs, and for some reason, most of the remaining dialogue seemed dubbed, too.

I never would have guessed that pre-Martin Lewis was `doing Andy Kaufman' -- 25 years before Andy Kaufman did it.
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